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2023 School Fee Structure


The school fee has been increased by 3% for 2023 to continue to assist with the ongoing costs of the school. The needs and circumstances of the community are always carefully considered when setting fees for the following year along with the ongoing and long-term strategic plan of the school. The process of setting fees was made in line with the School Fee Policy which is located on our school's website. Please note that fee remissions are available for families that are experiencing financial difficulty. Please arrange a meeting with the Principal to discuss further if required.


This fee is to help with the running costs of the school and your child’s educational needs.

Family Fee (1 Child)

$1040.00 per family, per year

Family Fee (2+ Children)

$1155.00 per family, per year


This fee is to help cover the costs of ongoing maintenance and improvement of the school. 

Capital & Maintenance Fee

$110.00 per family, per year


The Curriculum levy has been combined with an ICT levy (which includes the iPad and technology lease) for 2023. This levy goes toward covering costs incurred in providing quality programs and resources in each curriculum area. For example – library books, art supplies, technology and associated materials, photocopying, maths equipment, class sets of books, paper and exercise books, books for home reading, teacher resource books and assessment materials.

Curriculum & ICT Levy 

$440.00 per student, per year


The Camps, Sports, Excursion Levy contributes to the overall expense relating to camps, excursions, incursions and sports programs (including swimming program).


Camps, Sports & Excursions Levy

Foundation - Grades 1 & 2

$155 per student, per year

Grades 3 & 4

$330 per student, per year

Grades 5 & 6

$470 per student, per year


Please keep in mind that there are some voluntary costs during the year such as School Photos, Caritas K’s, Uniform and Parents & Friends Fundraisers.


The range of educational opportunities and experiences has been offered within the context of our budget. It will, therefore, be important that payment of fees and levies are honoured. We are very aware of the rising costs for families and this is given careful consideration in the process of setting school fees and levies. However, due to Government school funding agreements, there is an expectation that Catholic school communities contribute to the cost of education.

In order to assist families we encourage payment via direct debit. This allows for regular payments to be made equally over the year. Please note: If your current payment arrangement is direct debit, you will receive a letter shortly with your revised payment amount for the 2023 school year.


All fees and levies for the year will be billed at the start of the school year. Families will receive a school fee statement in early February 2023. The school provides a number of payment options for payment of school fees and levies, including:

  • Direct Debit
  • Cash or cheque (accepted via the Office)

  • Direct payment into school bank account

  • Centrepay (Centrelink payments)

  • Individual instalments to suit particular needs of families


Should any family be unable to meet their fee commitment, in part or full, it is necessary to contact the Principal a.s.a.p. so a plan can be put in place. It is the expressed intention of our school community that no child will be deprived of a Catholic education because their family is genuinely unable to meet their fee commitment.

A genuine attempt to meet fee commitments must be demonstrated, with proper assessment being carried out for each case. All information related to this matter is always considered highly confidential.

If you have any questions regarding school fees, levies or payment options, please contact the Office to arrange a meeting with the Principal or see the Admin Officer in the Office.