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As parents, you are a highly valued part of our school community. We respect your role and contribution to your child’s learning journey and acknowledge that the education of each child is a shared responsibility between home and school. Therefore, we welcome your participation at all levels.

  • School Advisory Council and Parents & Friends - Both of these groups are representative of the school community and work collaboratively to achieve the best outcomes for St. Mary’s.
  • Volunteering with School Initiatives - Parents are always encouraged to support learning both in and out of the classroom. Some examples include morning reading, looking after our school environment, Energy Breakthrough, sporting events, etc.
  • Working Bees - These are usually held once a term on the Sunday before school commences for the term. Tasks include cleaning, gardening, playground maintenance, classroom setup, etc.
  • Excursions & Camps - At times, parents are required to attend excursions and camps for extra supervision and support to ensure that all children experience success and positive outcomes.

And many more…….

All volunteers are required to adhere to Child Safe standards, policies and procedures.

For more information on getting involved at St Mary's, please contact us on 5438 3075